Awe thanks Steve!! I am loving it!! I can handle retiring at 47 LOL!!! I agree Steve on the things we are better without did a lot of soul searching the past couple of years right now i feel amazing starting to feel co
connected and this is the strongI
Asest i felt on all levels well not t
here on the physical with my shoulder yent but it's gaining strength!! I know all to well that the foruniverse slows us down for
a reason i know the reason, learwordsned a lot of tough lessons, and the rest is in the past!! I am ready to move forward to the next chapter in my life!!

i do hope u stay with us
Comet. As u know doubt
know many people come and go
in our life. Sometimes those
that "talked" the most about spirituality
are now gone. Its just a
hollow shell with nothing left but words.
To me a friend is forever.
Once in while we meet people
who turn out to be treacherous
When this happens we do have to
distance ourselves. But this is rare.
i am so happy that u are still around
after all the years we have communicated.
i am fortunate to be with some lasting
friendships spanning life times. We
r working together to perfect our
friendships and offer them at the feet
of the divine where our friemdships will
merge onto the great expanding spirit
of the divine awareness that it is God
himself that is expressimg thru all true
friends. in divine friendship...... Steve