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Sleep Paralysis

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By: Jitendra Hydonus
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Author Topic: Sleep Paralysis  (Read 118 times)
« on: Feb 15, 2024 03:55 am »

I had a sleep paralysis episode this morning. I've heard reports of astral spiders before. I don't think they are necessarily negative. But I do think these spiders I encountered are responsible for weaving the hologram/illusion we call reality...

Here's the journal entry:

I had a sleep paralysis experience and didn't even realize it until half way in... I will share the log from the moment I woke up from a dream to use the restroom:

wake up to pee.

i am stumbling to the bathroom by the way, my balance is so off im amazed i hadn't just fallen over completely. its significant and makes me wonder whats going on. i realize how fast i had forgotten my dream and ask myself- what did i just dream? i try really hard to recall, reaching for anything. suddenly i remember the local grocers, and the girls of interest.
i am so happy as i go back to bed, i feel confident i will at least remember this much whenever i wake back up.

there's some in-between here. i'm not sure if i ever fell back asleep, or whether i got up to pee a second time. but i am turning from my side and attempting to sleep on my belly. i don't realize i am starting to experience sleep paralysis. i see an etheric emerald green light roughly the size of a fist in the empty space before me, just above my head. all of these ideas are coming to me as i reach my hand towards this translucent green pulsing light(different realities/experiences). my mind starts pleading, "help me god. help me god, help me" as i stretch my arm out.

suddenly i get a very distinct impression or flash of imagery. like everything i had just dreamt, and everything i am currently experiencing- has refracted itself like the collapsing of an illusion. and instead i see/feel this idea of organic/inorganic spiders with these cables of light/energy protruding from them. like they are somehow weaving my holographic experience. with my hand still reached out from my bed, my door swings open. this takes me by surprise. i realize something feels off.

"whose there" my thinking mind is speaking out loud in this astral space. i still feel the green light before me. its dark in my room, and there's only blackness on the other side of the door. but a entity disguising itself as my mother comes swooping in from the blackness. she instantly tries comforting me with words- but i cant quite see her or her face. i am only given the impression that this is my mother cooing me to sleep. i know something is not quite right, and i know this something is not my mom... i feel the very heavy sensation of sleep paralysis-

(now that i'm awake recording, i wonder if it was one of those spiders creating this imagery? the feeling was not quite vampiric, but more like i am being drugged to sleep- powerful acting drugs)

the sleep paralysis was exaggerated to where this heavy sensation was being pressed upon me/around me. it moved with this entity as it walked around the front of my bed and over my left shoulder. it is trying to 'comfort me.' my thinking mind physically struggles with this energy(interesting to note), thoughts of a grunting/rustling is made audible/echoed in this space. i push whatever is now behind my left shoulder off of me. i lean into it and exacerbate the words, "gettttt off!"

the sleep paralysis releases itself and i wake up, realizing everything i had just experience was the in-between state/dream not my usual waking state. it wasn't until my bedroom door had swung itself open did i start to realize something was off(that i was in the, in-between).
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« Reply #1 on: Feb 15, 2024 11:31 pm »

While in sleep paralysis I often have the feeling that there is a malevolent entity around, and scream out loudly. If alone, it is agony until I can escape the sleepy state, when with my wife, she shrugs me with energy until I wake up.
Many years ago I used to commute by train or bus, and often I had sleep paralysis and screamed aloud, scaring the other passengers.
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And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
« Reply #2 on: Feb 16, 2024 06:10 am »

Thanks for your interest Lucca. I am remembering, now that you mention it, your sleep paralysis episodes.

I have learned that sleep paralysis is the computer system that is our physical body going into rest mode. Except your awareness, which is often identified with the physical body, does not.

This, first and foremost, shows us the reality behind astral projection and that our awareness does not reside in our physical host bodies only. But because we are often identified with these physical counterparts, the sudden dissociation and distortion causes us to panic. We start reaching for what we are familiar with, what's easiest to access? We are put into fight or flight because that is a natural response to sudden danger or perceived threat.

Most people don't stop and realize they are seeing their room behind closed eyes. Or wherever they are falling asleep. Once you shift the focus from feeling afraid- your vision in this space really opens up. Before I found joy in the experience, I would experience anger and freight(fight or flight) and would try slamming my head forward to wake up. That fear of impending danger would manifest shadowy challengers or figures of malevolent energy. If you think the world is a mirror- wait until your flung into the astral again. What you experience in the astral can feel extra potent. Think of heighted senses. And think of your power to create. I have since learned the quickest method to wake up is to dispel fear and regain control in the moment.

You have to tell yourself, "Ah, I am awake and my body is asleep." and proceed to say, "I am going to send my awareness to my big toe." I would send mine to my right toe. As you regain control over your senses through concentration, you calmly tell your self... "I am now going to wiggle my big toe" and make the attempt. Do not pay attention to anything else but these commands. Suddenly, your body begins waking up and your awareness is nestled back in its usual/comfortable resting place. The first time I did this it was like I lifted the spell. But what that really was, was the computer system coming back online and my awareness aligning itself with the physical host body. 

It's a rather amazing place to be, a place which can be experienced without sleep paralysis but from a meditative state. I think fear is common because sleeping leaves us vulnerable. Your body is sleeping and you can't seem to move, is it any wonder panic sets in? Except we can move, but not with our physical host bodies. In the past, I have recognized these moments as an opportunity for a, "out of body experience." Every negative entity I've ever encountered has been an aspect of my self- if the fear outweighed whatever lesson was trying to speak to me I have always been saved by the archangels. I am often afraid, and yet, I have always been protected.

It's really an entirely new world when you consider what the astral is, and what we really are.
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Jitendra Hydonus
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« Reply #3 on: Feb 16, 2024 07:32 am »

Thanks for this information, experience and explanation Eric. My hope is that ‘Lucca’ will see it and read it here. I believe that I’ve had a similar experiences as a child and though I did not handle it in exactly the same way; after my initial fear I ‘shook’ myself out of it and got out of bed on a command of will.

It may be that we are also in a state of heightened fear that keeps us bound by body consciousness as well.  Thus our present state of consciousness as physical bodies confined to this material existence. This is a phenomenon that is connected to our ‘sedated’ awareness in confinement and in the physical realm.

The sedated drug? A deep sleep called life. When by an act of will we are able to wake from it; we are presumably enlightened. Although some are in this state of consciousness at all times… experiencing all dimensions and not just this limited one we are enshrouded in.
« Last Edit: Feb 16, 2024 07:46 am by Jitendra Hydonus » Report Spam   Logged

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