This really nice
Thanks Tamar! If you have any questions let me know. I think I’m going to begin explaining how I learned and practiced meditation. I’m hoping Eric and others help out. There are other members here who have had many experiences with meditation and the ‘spiritual life’. Perhaps you have had some of your own. Spiritual or psychic experiences are often part of the motivation to meditate. We should never underestimate our own experiences. Sometimes late bloomers have much or more to offer.
Every flower is planted and blooms in its own time. At times we may have different meditation practices and experiences as well. I recall starting as a child by having an interest in going into the attic of an old house my father owned and just sitting there alone. It seemed to give me a feeling of peace and contentment being all alone there. Later I heard more about meditation as a teenager and recalled staring into candles ….then closing my eyes and visualizing the imprint of the flame in my closed eyes. It seems like I was much better at that then. Perhaps I got a little help from above to motivate me onward. We may be given little perks to help us practice and make the effort. There may also be people that curiously enter our lives to help our practicing meditation.