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Telepathy; Thought Transference and expansion of feeling and consciousness

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By: Jitendra Hydonus

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By: Jitendra Hydonus
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Author Topic: Telepathy; Thought Transference and expansion of feeling and consciousness  (Read 493 times)
Jitendra Hydonus
Surrender Kitty
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« on: Jul 30, 2019 07:31 pm »

It often interests me that I can be meditating or in peaceful repose and can get in tune with the thought waves of others. I think as we meditate more we find our desires cause misleading thoughts and our intuition tells us the truth. We can definitely tune in to the thoughts of others and sometimes we spontaneously pick up radio waves from them because they are close to us and our love for them is a transmitter and we also are willing to receive something, especially signals; thought and feeling transference. The event of the T.V. Internet, radio and phone has brought the awareness just how this is possible practically and physically. But as a whole humanity has some way to go before understanding thought tranference.

So you see all possessions of the earth, no matter how great they maybe, are limited compared to that which is already yours. If you merely roll on the top of an emotional wave, you cannot feel God, for your comprehension is limited and superficial. Meditation is the way to expand your consciousness from the body to the Infinite. You don’t have to forget the body but include your body in this expansion. You must be able to feel this expansion. You must be able to feel space, and the thoughts of others. Your consciousness then will be Omnipresent. The feeling of expansion is not a blind negation of the body; it is the expansion of your consciousness beyond the boundaries of your body. All the different techniques of meditation that have been given to you will expand your consciousness. The sense of expansion has many steps before you reach the Omnipresence. How many of these stages can you feel? How much of what lies about you can you feel? ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
« Last Edit: Jul 30, 2019 09:22 pm by Steve Hydonus » Report Spam   Logged

God Christ Gurus musical sample creations:
https://youtu.be/PU9157Esq-4 Hidden Springs

Silent Voice Within
For CD\'s of music by Steve or hydonus@yahoo.com
« Reply #1 on: Jul 31, 2019 07:05 pm »

Again Spirit whispers in this post. Thank you, expansion of consciousness, here is some wisdom shared this morning by Hazrat Inayat Khan

He says the heart is not just the organic flesh underneath our breast but a deeper layer in our minds and that the fine tuning of this instrument, like any instrument produces a magnetic effect.

Thus the importance of meditation, the pursuit of Love- Joy and Sympathy

There is a door to man's heart; it is either closed or open. When he holds a thing and says, 'This is mine,' he closes the door to his heart; but when he shares his goods with others and says, 'This is yours as well as mine,' this opens his heart. We must learn consideration for others; it does not matter whether they are rich or poor. We may have only one slice of bread, but when there is another sitting by our side we share that slice with him. By doing this, even if our bodily appetite remains unsatisfied, our heart is filled with joy to think that we shared our happiness with another. It is this spirit which is necessary just now to change the condition of the world, not political and commercial disputes. We must be awakened to the main truth, that the happiness and peace of each can only be the happiness and peace of all.

   from  https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XII/XII_I_10.htm

People pursue spirituality with their brain: that is where they are mistaken. Spirituality is attained through the heart. What do I mean by the heart? Is it the nervous center in the midst of the breast, the small piece of flesh that doctors call the heart? No, the definition of the heart is that it is the depth of the mind, the mind being the surface of the heart. That in us which feels is the heart, that which thinks is the mind. It is the same thing which thinks and feels, but the direction is different: feeling comes from the depth, thought from the surface. ... The Sufis have therefore considered the development of the heart quality as a spiritual culture, and have called it the culture of the heart. It consists of the tuning of the heart.

Tuning means changing the pitch of the vibrations. Tuning the heart means changing the vibrations, bringing them to a certain pitch which is the natural one where you feel the joy and ecstasy of life, which enables you to give pleasure to others even by your presence because you are tuned. When an instrument is properly tuned you need not play music on it; just by striking it you will feel a great magnetism coming from it. If an instrument well-tuned can have that magnetism, how much greater should be the magnetism of hearts that are tuned. Rumi says, 'Whether you have loved a human being or whether you have loved God, if you have loved enough you will be brought in the end into the presence of the supreme Love itself'.

   from  https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XIV/XIV_2_8.htm
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Jitendra Hydonus
Surrender Kitty
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Intereststs; Meditation/Spiritual Life

« Reply #2 on: Mar 16, 2020 07:45 pm »

Eric these last posts (above) by Inayat Khan are truly awe inspiring especially since I understand and have had the experience of striking instruments or strumming across them and the magnetic quality they produced just filled the whole space of the room with vibrancy. I also understand what he means by the mind being the surface of the heart.

‘Whether you have loved a human being or whether you have loved God, if you have loved enough you will be brought in the end into the presence of the supreme Love itself'. ~Rumi

Often we can be in communication with someone we love and this telepathy is a result of love. I think that various factors lend themselves to telepathy ...love being one. However there are many other factors which I most likely will take up here, but I am now going to look at a simple definition from a dictionary;

the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.
« Last Edit: Mar 17, 2020 02:28 am by Steve Hydonus » Report Spam   Logged

God Christ Gurus musical sample creations:
https://youtu.be/PU9157Esq-4 Hidden Springs

Silent Voice Within
For CD\'s of music by Steve or hydonus@yahoo.com

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