Attraction/Repulsion This is 1 of the most interesting expressions of duality.
People have atraction followed by repulsions towards us. This is not a good
or bad thing but a result of duality we get caught up in. It shows a rather
inexperienced expression of spirituality because we are still always
looking for a new thrill to satisfy us or we think to ourselves I don't
have to take that.
When someone is affected by us in this we must be aware that spirit
is opening new growing experiemces for us if we are receptive and
do not hold on to old wore out living conditions. Our guides often
give us more by taking people out of our lives because it opens
us up to the universe and we realize what we have that we have
missed along the way.
when we get rid of our likes and dislikes then we will know what God wants us to do. Otherwise we are not receptive. Our likes and dislikes are solely responsible for our bondage to the body.
What attracts people to each other and then also seems to have this nasty habit of turning into repulsion? Ah have u seen it happen in your life and the lives of those around us also?
Is it to be avoided? Often we see others react to us with 'love' and 'friendship' only to express scorn, contempt or the 'silent treatment' later. Is it we cannot really trust the enthusiasm others may have for us because the energy also has a contrary polarity? Or is it that we really are not as spiritual and good as they had thought and it just took a while for them to find out how human we are. Atraction and repulsion are expressed in duality which is a fundamental manifestation of this creation.
Can humans rise above this and express spiritual love?