Those who develop the habits of telling lies all the time will find it hard ever to be wholly truthful in any statement. Such chronic liers never think of the importance of speaking truth; they don’t even realise they are lying. Their own imagination becomes truth to them, and they can no longer see the real truth in any situation. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
This statement helps me understand Dishonest Don.
Here's what Donald Trump asked Georgia election officials in phone call about 2020 election falsehoods did Trump repeat on the phone call?
Trump’s side of the call included many election conspiracy theories.
"We won Georgia easily," Trump said. "We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes."
Trump didn’t; Biden beat Trump in Georgia by 11,779 votes.
Trump said "close to 5,000" dead people voted. State officials told Trump they found two such cases. (Later they found two more.)
Trump also repeated a ridiculous falsehood alleging the secret counting of 18,000 ballots for Biden in the early morning hours at State Farm Arena. There’s nothing to back this up.
What did Trump ask Georgia election officials to do?
Trump asked the Georgia officials to investigate his allegations about voter fraud. Many of his directives involved a quest to "find" enough ballots to put him in the winning column. He framed his requests to state officials as a mission to ferret out criminal wrongdoing.
Trump told officials that there was criminal removal of election machinery, although Germany told him there were no removed machines or machine parts.
"And you can’t let it happen, and you are letting it happen," Trump said. "You know, I mean, I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen. So, look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state."