Just about everything! Flatulence appears to be an inevitable condition of human incarnations.
Yes I remember a friend once asked me; have you ever thought how we are just one big shit machine? I guess that really never left my thoughts completely. Because life is much different when we get out of these tombs of these material bodies and enter the higher astral regions. I have always felt somewhat out of place in these human bodies we inhabit for short periods. I really think something went askew when we found ourselves trapped in such conditions. They seem to be somewhat of an imprisonment when we consider the experiences we’ve had with spirit along the way. I was bewildered in the first couple of decades of my life by the conditions I found myself in. It took some searching and exploration from higher sources to recognize the predicament that we find ourselves in, which goes mostly unacknowleged by the sleeping mass of humanity.
Such thoughts lead to a great respect for those beings who gained control over the functions of these bodies and have come with a key 🔑 to open our bodies to the freedom of spirit and the ability to abandon the encasements we have grown reluctantly accustomed to.