A lot of how I understand the spiritual world has been made in a nice illustration.
Casey has been a really good friend, helping me understand a lot of my self along the way. Casey is the admin at the galactic travel channel forum. I try to share communities in this way.
Anyway... I've always felt drawn to Sufism- and the belief all is one.
So when we discussed 14(a personal spirit friend) and when I asked her to help me understand how she defines the subconscious...
A lot of how the 1111 communication takes place really started coming together.
She gave me permission to share her picture, she isn't very proud of how quick it was put together heh.
When people hear the word subconscious they tend to think of what's happening inside their head. The hidden stuff, the stuff where we store all our pent up emotions and unresolved issues- the stuff that speaks to us in our dreams. We think that all of that gunk is somehow limited to what takes place within our brain.
I really think we got that backwards. When we think of Angels and midwayers, and more specifically- when we think, how is it God is able to communicate with us in a way that speaks to our innermost thoughts and manipulates the outside world in acknowledgement- we need to start moving past the confines of 3D, physical time/space. Maybe even past linear experience.
I start to think of UFO's as well. Why is it sometimes we only see partial glimpses of a UFO, and how is it they're able to disappear in the blink of an eye? Not saying I got it figured out, but just thinking that what we see is a partial view because that's all we're able to perceive while looking through the 3D lens of human experience. What does a 3D object look like in a 2D world?
So we got to start thinking of higher intelligence in ways that move beyond the visible, and ask how that communication might be connected with the unseen.
So the Sufi principles, the law of one... The idea that it all belongs to God starts to make sense when I see this picture. I remember telling Casey, she somehow accurately drew what I've always believed. I didn't know it until our coming together. Wasn't able to piece my beliefs in an articulate fashion.
Slowly but surely God would lead me along, and expand my horizons.
In this photo the subconscious is all that exist outside the conscious self, not all that we think to be limited within. What is within is still a part of the subconscious but as you can see, the subconscious expands much further than the conscious self. And where might angels reside in this picture? Maybe they reside in the superconscious. When you look at this picture maybe you begin to see how small we really are. And what we think as belonging only to ourselves couldn't be further from the truth. All belong to God.
I think there are a myriad of beings, both physical and nonphysical existing within the different layers in this picture. Casey helps further by saying...
Think of a city belonging to a state and then- a state to a nation or country. A country to a continent, and continents to a planet. So the conscious, as a city, can appear independent and full of life- and still belong to something much greater than itself.
This is how we need to expand our understanding where communicating with an unseen intelligence take place...