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By: Jitendra Hydonus

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By: Jitendra Hydonus

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By: Jitendra Hydonus

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By: Jitendra Hydonus
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 on: Today at 06:58 pm 
Started by weboflife - Last post by mccoy
Mccoy since you have felt that I am obsessed with Trump, is it not fair to say that when ever we talk about Kriyananda you also are obsessed with your indignation towards him as well? I’ve heard nothing but good things he’s had to say about Paramahansa Yogananda.

No, maybe I was obsessed for a time, I am no longer.
I cannot give importance to such a lowly soul, I cannot even hate him. Can you hate an insect, even though revulsive? No, an awful insect has a role in biology and awful souls have after all their role in creation.

I only mention K when others post about it.

In your case, you are writing unsolicited posts about Mr. Trump all the time, you have been doing it for 8 years. You need it. You need Mr. Trump. It is some psychological mechanism that makes you feel well after you have written all sorts of things against Mr. Trump.

And, what am I, to take you away from this pleasure? I'm going to complain no longer. It is a good reason to be updated about what happens in America and the world.

 on: Today at 06:47 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
During the same conversation Manigault Newman also drew attention to Biden's forgetfulness and deteriorating mental state.

 to know what his true health status is.”

It’s hardly surprising that Biden would mislead the American people and deny them access to crucial information about but himself, but it is infuriating.

This man has no respect for the truth and no respect for any of us. He is utterly unfit for office.

Actually, Steve, what you wrote in the first post, I substituted Trump with Biden, and is't so much more close to the truth, after what we have seen, Biden's PArkinson condition, nothing disclosed to the Americans. That was a huge fraud, a massive deceit. The alleged deceits of Mr. Trump pale very much in comparison.

The cosmic film has a certain plot, but many spectators like to distort it, as it seems.

 on: Today at 04:32 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
Steve, I can put myself in your shoes, but then next life you'll have to become the POTUS and issue an executive order to ban meat in the USA. If Mr. Trump will have conquered CAnada, Mexico, Panama and Greenland, then  you'll have the opportunity to ban meat in all these wide territories, the largest state in the world, compliments of Mr. Trump!

 on: Today at 04:29 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
Steve, in all fairness towards the Cosmic director, we cannot see only one scene of the cosmic film, otherwise we would distort the truth.

The real plot appears that Mr Trump conceded 1700 pardons, whereas Mr. Biden conceded 8064. Obama issued about 1900, so Trump Is only 3rd in the list!

Mr. Biden appears to be the biggest issuer of pardons in all the history of the USA.


 on: Today at 04:22 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
It was not Biden that ran against Trump. Harris ran against Trump. I am not making comparisons between Biden and Trump. That is not an issue you are having with me here. You have consistently attempted to bring me into a discussion about Biden verses Trump. Harris had no part of pardons that both Trump and Biden made for convicts. Let’s stay on track. In all fairness let us look at the reality of what happened in the election. And what happened in the election during 2020 when Trump lied about the election results, blamed election results which were proven false and attempted to overthrow the government and the people’s will and results to vote in an election..

Well, Mr. Biden was the President until Mr. Trump started his mandate. Why not to compare one president against the other? Harris was a vice president, not a president.

Besides, Nothing easier than to speak about the lies of Mrs. Harris. She lied big, big time covering the real mental condition, the loss of cognitive functions of the President. She lied big time in front of all Americans, who had a right to know what was going on behind the scenes. But actually, Mrs. Harris is not to blame, since she was but a puppet of the democrat elit commanded by Mr. Obama, Clinton, and compadres. Even though she accepted the big lie (of being a puppet, not a presidential candidate) herself.

 on: Today at 01:23 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by Jitendra Hydonus
It's good to keep the electoral promises! That's not, by definition, dishonesty.

Besides, Biden pardoned thousands of people, not all of them very innocent, including his own convicted son, whom he repeatedly said he would have never pardoned.
In all fairness, any accusation directed at Mr, Trump should be paired with another accusation directed at Mr. Biden.

Your ideological accusations are not credible and consistent. It was not Biden that ran against Trump. Harris ran against Trump. I am not making comparisons between Biden and Trump. That is not an issue you are having with me here. You have consistently attempted to bring me into a discussion about Biden verses Trump. Harris had no part of pardons that both Trump and Biden made for convicts. Let’s stay on track. In all fairness let us look at the reality of what happened in the election. And what happened in the election during 2020 when Trump lied about the election results, blamed election results which were proven false and attempted to overthrow the government and the people’s will and results to vote in an election.

 on: Today at 01:08 pm 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by Jitendra Hydonus
Speaking from pure objectiveness, the previous administration accelerated a dangerous and worrying decline in the American society. I was no more recognizing the America the great Yogananda extolled.

By pure consequential logic, Trump is in a way supporting the ideals of a society Yogananda had, although not by spiritual awareness, that's clear.

A ‘dangerous and worrying society’ you offer no evidence of that here. Only conjecture and ideological bias. I sincerely think that Yogananda would have never supported a man who singled handedly attempted to destroy the constitution and have a coup d'état making the wealthy oppress the working class, supporting dictatorship around the world. Paramahansa Yogananda warned against communism and the communists are presently fighting in Russia against a sovereign nation who has been invaded by a communist most of his life; Vladimir Putin worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

 on: Today at 11:37 am 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
Speaking from pure objectiveness, the previous administration accelerated a dangerous and worrying decline in the American society. I was no more recognizing the America the great Yogananda extolled.

By pure consequential logic, Trump is in a way supporting the ideals of a society Yogananda had, although not by spiritual awareness, that's clear.

 on: Today at 11:35 am 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
It's good to keep the electoral promises! That's not, by definition, dishonesty.

Besides, Biden pardoned thousands of people, not all of them very innocent, including his own convicted son, whom he repeatedly said he would have never pardoned.
In all fairness, any accusation directed at Mr, Trump should be paired with another accusation directed at Mr. Biden.

 on: Today at 11:11 am 
Started by Jitendra Hydonus - Last post by mccoy
Biden didn’t attempt to fire most of the agents in government positions!

Steve, the above is a statement that needs further clarifications.

1) It must be shown that firing many government agents is wrong. The FBI was weaponized against Trump. It deserves a serious reset. Other agencies were wasting public money, like USAID and CIA. they deserve to be dismantled or reorganized. There may be other cases that are not so clearly defined but the premise, firing agents in government positions, is not necessarily a bad decision, beyond being an electoral promise, which is being kept. Efficiency for the people, not corruption and money-wasting. That sounds all very good and many people wish our premier were in a position to do that in Italy.

2) Biden and his oligarchs acted in such a dishonest and criminal way against the freedom of speech of all Americans, their strategy to impose a new dystopic society, the fraudulent attempts to jail their archenemy Mr. Trump, that they are not in a position to judge the new administration.

All my statements above are made in attunement to the cosmic vibrations of Jnana. I am not Mr. Trump's defense lawyer, but I feel compelled to illustrate the facts which are more likely to be real, not the distortions caused by the satanic force which blinded, alas,  the discrimination of many.

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