Title: At times in our lives; Surealism Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Aug 01, 2024 02:18 am I’ve had times in my life where I felt surreal about my surroundings and things taking place. I think that comes with meditation and spiritual practice. Paramahansa Yogananda has told us so many times that we are part of a cosmic dream that is being weaved around us. At times I feel as though, how did I get in this place? Why am I so deluded to believe it is so real? As seekers of truth do we feel deceived living in a world of appearances?
And then there are times the fabric of the reality we are witnessing are altered in a way that we can only describe as miraculous. Events don’t play out like the senses would expect or the way we have been accustomed to experiencing them. Suddenly the world changes and we see that we have been protected or given lessons that are quite improbable by physical standards. Perhaps the Masters are giving us a chance to see through the mirage of this material existence. We may even feel moments of love that transform us. Sudden silences and states of stillness that help us recognize there is real peace behind all our activities. Sudden visions that make us wonder what is real; There are also the experiences when it appears we are doing something at the time that the experience is super imposed upon by another vision. We could be for instance in a laundry mat and suddenly see another vision before our eyes. We all are multidimensional beings. But to what extent do we let other dimensions enter our field of awareness? And at times, more than usual, we may get the feeling that there is something else directing and maneuvering events in our lives. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-GuIzTTeKe/?igsh=MXNpM3JhbzNvdGwx Title: Re: At times in our lives; Surealism Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Aug 01, 2024 09:55 pm It gives me great hope and faith that we are coming closer to the day when we will be free from the hold this life and this reality has on our consciousness. Slowly, through meditation, we are finding out what we really are and not what we have thought we have become.
Reality as once we had known it was so intwined with this physical reality that we have lost touch with eternal consciousness. We have identified with people and situational frameworks of what we believe and desire to be so. Because of meditation we may have small breakthroughs or at times even larger ones during the day. Suddenly we have an awakening that brings a more profounder understanding of our life journey and recognition of spiritual perceptions that transcend this earthly experience. Title: Re: At times in our lives; Surealism Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Aug 02, 2024 06:42 am That’s my story; and I’m sticking to it.!!!!! https://youtu.be/DRc430cTkQk?si=iSJmeEVxbNMKSLtg This video is nothing short of amazing, and I often have slight fragments of what he experienced. That is why I included it with this thread to explain some of the surreal experiences I’ve experienced this life. |