Title: U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Jan 19, 2023 04:12 pm https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/us-intelligence-report-says-pentagon-has-received-350-new-reports-of-ufos/vi-AA16uffK?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=7c90dde78b3d44bd9c25f2165745c46c
U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life. Over the years U.S. intelligence have proven to be the most notorious of American Agencies for misleading the public on UFO's and now, at best, they are only attempting to cover up their past incompetency on informing the public. For all these years these agencies have covered up UFO sightings and tried to make the rest of us feel as though we are witnessing fantasy and now, they are coming out trying to act like authorities on the issues they have little credibility in even reporting. Closer to the truth: they owe us, who have seen such phenomena and been reporting it for years, a big apology which you no doubt will never get. Lesson learned? You are much better off listening to spiritual groups who have some credibility then Government Agencies. Time to look here or elsewhere. Title: Re: U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Jan 20, 2023 10:34 pm Even members of congress believe there is information being hidden regarding these potential alien aircrafts and are pushing for further and better declassification of data that has already been gathered. These complaints are largely because of all the redactions contained within the freshly released information that often makes the entire document un-intelligible.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/strange-floating-ball-seemingly-chased-by-military-jets/ar-AA16zmz1?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=4d895ce435e744688988e301f8fa309b Title: Re: U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Mar 02, 2023 02:29 pm https://apple.news/AQ7shpUKXTIe6O_8aoIs0hg
Ex-Navy pilot says he saw UFOs that did things his plane could not do Updated 9:38 AM EST March 1, 2023 Video 03:10 Former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves tells CNN's Alisyn Camerota about his unit's experiences with UFOs and explains the problems they can pose for military and commercial aviation. He also explains the risks pilots experience to their career, reporting such objects. The U.S. government, from my experience are obviously 🙄 spiritual retards in regards to acceptance of anything they refuse to acknowledge or explain. And furthermore they should be recognized for what they have done by belittling and admonishing such reports as the product of mental derangement. The U.S. government implicate itself as incompetent and brutal in their behaviors and actions. They are actually responsible for holding back knowledge and understanding of what is true, and has been denied, and could help civilization move forward out of spiritual and technological ignorance. There is no excuse for managing the situation by claiming U.S. military pilots need mental help. In fact the U.S. government needs mental help and should be reprimanded and punished for the treatment it gives those in uniform for carrying out their duties. Title: Re: U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Mar 09, 2023 02:45 pm DailyMail.com also reports that Corbell told them that these UFO images taken over North Eastern Iraq were leaked to him and Knapp “by frustrated USAF members who claim that significant numbers of UFO incidents are being ‘buried’ by the Air Force.”
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/newly-leaked-spy-drone-images-over-iraqi-conflict-zone-reveal-mysterious-cylindrical-ufo/ar-AA18mI7N?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=1d9b31d8441049cdacdc2ac78055e40e&ei=64 Title: Re: U.S. Intelligence lost its marbles early in the quest for alien signs of life Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Apr 15, 2024 09:26 am https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/joerg-arnu-area-51-fbi-raid-b2368462.html An Area 51 blogger was raided at gunpoint by federal agents. He says the US Government is trying to silence him On the morning of November 3 last year, he was in bed when around 20 armed counter-terrorism agents in tactical gear raided his Rachel home, handcuffed him and led him out of his home in the freezing cold for questioning, he told The Independent. |