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The Hall of Mirrors provided by; Masters of Love and Light => Nature: Protect the Wildlife with Chicken 🐔 Little => Topic started by: Jitendra Hydonus on Jul 09, 2011 05:01 pm

Title: Solitude
Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Jul 09, 2011 05:01 pm
All who have lived much out of doors, whether Indian or otherwise, know that there is a magnetic and powerful force that accumulates in solitude but is quickly dissipated by life in a crowd.


Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: guest88 on Jul 13, 2011 10:43 pm
to integrate the powerful and magnetic force accumulated in your isolation with the pulls and strains of interaction amongst ones peers is quite the challenge yet has proven to be a rewarding and entertaining miniature experiment

am i crazy ? passionate ? determined ? willed ? none of these ?

sometimes with the flow sometimes not
the beautiful experience called life and the shedding of layers through trial observance and will
revelation and recognition

what lol
life is amazing wherever you are!

thanks for the quote
i like you and your interest mr steve


Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Apr 15, 2013 09:49 pm
to integrate the powerfuT and magnetic force accumulated in your isolation with the pulls and strains of interaction amongst ones peers is quite the challenge yet has proven to be a rewarding and entertaining miniature experiment

am i crazy ? passionate ? determined ? willed ? none of these ?

sometimes with the flow sometimes not
the beautiful experience called life and the shedding of layers through trial observance and will
revelation and recognition

what lol

life is amazing wherever you are!

thanks for the quote
i like you and your interest mr steve


I wonder if you remember writing this. I appreciate it. There is an interesting observation I've made about life. That is I've always wanted to do things with others and to share it with others. I used to play with bands a lot when I was a teenager. Yet at a certain point there was just nobody around anymore. So I learned how to perform on my own for many years. It is more enjoyable to experience life with others. Yet at some point I recognized  people are watching you even when you're alone and so you just keep on going on expressing until others join in again. Yet there are times that we do need to spend alone with God otherwise we get lost in the world.


Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Sep 15, 2015 09:08 pm

I agree Steve sometimes i find myself slipping back to the past then i stop myself and switch my jthoughts to the present!! I have been looking at life differently since my first shoulder injury!! We all need comfort but i believe if we were our own best friend we wouldn't need others so much!! This is where I stand out above others I am my own best friend!! Once we learn to love and accept ourselves we don't need the comfort of others so much if that makes sense! I guess we all feel the need to slip back to the past cause the past does hold a lot of great memories!! Living in the present is an amazing thing.

We lost some of comets' early postings some how her account was restarted. But i have this old quote from her that I really like. I posted it under both 'solitude' topics I found.

Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: mccoy on Sep 16, 2015 11:15 am
To be one's best friend is an interesting subject.

Maybe I too am like that. I tend to detach from my own mind and to see myself as another person.
My own friendship though is of the challenging kind. I often criticize myself and I do not fabricate poor reasons for my flaws and weaknesses. For example, rather than comforting myself for something, I would go: "You have been such a dumbass not to avoid that, so you deserve that and that's all! Stop commiserating your sorry ass and do something constructive".
Probably, not a friend many people would love to have. But, since Yogananda said that your critics are your best friends, so at the end of the analysis I too can say I'm my own best friend.

Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: Demian on Mar 19, 2016 01:47 pm
Solitude is independence. It had been my wish and with the years I had attained it. It was cold. Oh, cold enough! But it was also still, wonderfully still and vast like the cold stillness of space in which the stars revolve.

Title: Re: Solitude
Post by: Jitendra Hydonus on Nov 27, 2024 06:41 pm
We must recognize that at times solitude is meant for soul growth and spiritual development and understanding.